ISO 14001
ISO 14001(Environment)

ISO 14001
Approved Field:Head Office/Yanami Recycling Center
Aquisition of ISO 14001 Certification
For the practice of our Corporate Philosophy, we place “Prevention of environmental pollution” and “Proactive approach to protecting the environment” as one of the top priorities, and we have decided to acquire ISO 14001 certification.
As a result of our vigorous and continuous activities of acquisition, we were awarded ISO14001 certification at Yanami Recycling Center in January 2004 followed by the head office in January 2005.
Our Environmental Management Policy
We, all the employees at Homex, recognize environmental impacts through our activities, We aim to be "Global and Local friendly company" by making vigorous and continuous activities.
- We comply enviromental and business laws and regulations.
- We set goals and targets in order to reduce the environmental impact, we try to make continuous improvement activities to achieve them as well as prevent pollution.
1.We challenge the waste recycling to aim for the realization of recycling-oriented society.
2. We make effort to reduce the amount of generated CO2 by raising awareness of energy saving as well as devising to reduce energy consumption when driving vehicles or operating equipment.
3. We make efforts to prevent environmental pollution by using earth-friendly items that have low environmental impact. - We are actively in touch with the community and cooperate with the community for environmental protection activities in the region.
Please feel free to contact us.
Any question or comments? Please feel free to contact us.